Society Members

Society Members can use the App to know their neighbors, inter member communication , complaints, requests, bill payments, manage visitors, booking society amenities, controlling unnecessary forwards, getting important notices, sharing achievements and so on.

Committee Members

The Committee App is to be used by Chairman/ Manager/ Committee Members to post notices, resolving complaints, plan an event, maintenance collection, monthly reports, parking management, create polls and transparent administration.

This app is used for Management Committee of any Society (Building). Using this app you can now manage your apartment from anywhere you are. Receive notifications on New Users Join Request to your Society, meetings, complaint and any important events booking, which would keep you updated on everything regarding your society (Building).


The Gatekeeper Version of the App has been designed in the simplest form and can be used by the security staff. Most efficient for the visitor management & authentication, delivery management, parking management & overstay alerts and daily staff management.